Did you know that Jeffrey Riegel is in the movie business as well?

The first time I did movies it was with Dave Goldberg and Garmby (before he became Garmby, he was Marc) But you can blame Riegel and Keith Grimes for me getting into the movies.


Correction: this is a different Jeffrey Riegel. The Jeff we know, now works for the C.I.A.


Something from Lisa Croutch:

Yo, Toss em Snotti!!!!! I graduated in '88 not in your year. Don't make me older than I already am.

Where the hell is Adam Opitz? God I used to love ribbin' on that kid!

Good to hear from ya....

I reply:

Where are u Lisa? How the hell are u? Adam has been writing me. Lately, Andrew S. called me - I was busy, have to call him back.

The reunion - We're throwing a party and it doesnt matter what year you're from. Thats not one of the rules. As long as somebody knows a few of the people from 1985, they are invited.

Mike Mooney is supposedly a medical doctor. But this is being debated.

- Pete


By popular demand, the link to the public I.M.D.B. (currently ranked #30 of all websites)

P.Tasciotti profile at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2086006/

I still suggest you take advantage of the 2 week FREE membership for the Pro-IMDB, just to check it out... unless you aint into movies.

Y'know, I kinda hate movies too. One day I plan to kick the habit.


A poem from Gordon - CLICK on image to see it better...

Remember this book, anybody?

We used to circulate these books around the school - there was a whole, ongoing series. It's still pretty hilarious after all these years, I dug them out of the safe this month. It's unbelieveable how creative and how twisted we were!


If anybody has any special requests for pages they want to see, let me know and I'll upload it here! As an example, here's one of my favorite drawings. I spent 3 straight days on this one (meanwhile I did *NO* homework)


Pinar has been in touch... She has a different last name (so I assume she's married).
More info later after we correspond again.

Adam has a different last name too (does that mean he's married?).

BTW, I always have a different last name... but that just means I'm up to no good! LOL


INFO on Mike Mooney, Tom McDonnel, etc.


Andrew forwarded me a link to your site. I'll be on E. Coast from 8/11-8/21,
if the reunion happens to fall around then I'll do my best to show up.
After that, won't be back till Thanksgiving or Christmas probably.

A.) Mike Mooney is definitely not a doctor. Just spoke to him recently,
no one in their right mind would ever give him a liscense to practice
medicine. He just moved from AZ to NC.

B.) I have contact info for Sig, Leif, Tim V., Mooney, Sue Arnouts, Jen P.,
and a few others. Let me know who else you're trying to contact. Was
emailing w/ Tom McDonnel back in Feb. but my last email to him bounced
back. He's living in or near Buffalo, NY. Last I heard from Garfield he was
living in Salt Lake City, UT.

Let me know what's what, talk soon.

Adam (as in Opitz)