Remember that stinkin Columbian coke dealer? I found him cutting a deal in the Dungeon.
Whaddya think? Does my son, Sam look like me?

When he has a son, I will call him, The Son of Sam.... that was just a pun.

I hear you laughing!
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Jason writes in from the movie biz in L.A.:

Yo, Even though I didn't go to your high school, you know I'm coming to that reunion.

By the way, I changed my last name out here Jay Schachter...

Jay Schachter Entertainment
323.962. [number undisclosed until Jason writes in blog and approves it]



Hey Man,

I did get your voicemail and email, and have been enjoying the posts. I haven't heard some of those names in ages.

I'm doing good. I have been thinking about high school a lot lately, because my oldest daughter just graduated herself. She's off to college in the Fall. With 4 kids all 4 years apart (1988, 1992, 1996, 2000) so begins 16 years straight of tuition payments.

Note the birth years... This past leap year was the first leap year since I was a junior in High School that I didn't become a father.



Did you know that Jeffrey Riegel is in the movie business as well?

The first time I did movies it was with Dave Goldberg and Garmby (before he became Garmby, he was Marc) But you can blame Riegel and Keith Grimes for me getting into the movies.


Correction: this is a different Jeffrey Riegel. The Jeff we know, now works for the C.I.A.


Something from Lisa Croutch:

Yo, Toss em Snotti!!!!! I graduated in '88 not in your year. Don't make me older than I already am.

Where the hell is Adam Opitz? God I used to love ribbin' on that kid!

Good to hear from ya....

I reply:

Where are u Lisa? How the hell are u? Adam has been writing me. Lately, Andrew S. called me - I was busy, have to call him back.

The reunion - We're throwing a party and it doesnt matter what year you're from. Thats not one of the rules. As long as somebody knows a few of the people from 1985, they are invited.

Mike Mooney is supposedly a medical doctor. But this is being debated.

- Pete